Wednesday, September 15, 2010


A direct financial attack on us, & all we stand for. We'd add useless comments but we're checking ammo stocks & so on. (The torches & pitchforks are always ready to go.)

One quote, so those not (yet) threatened can fully understand the nature of this unexpected declaration of war on US(!):
Perhaps more important, SSDI in its current incarnation is a moral and economic tragedy: We are paying millions of presumably otherwise fit mentally ill people to stay out of the workforce for the rest of their productive lives. And this at a time when mental illness is more treatable than it ever has been. When Congress passed the Americans With Disabilities Act, it established several overarching principles, including equality of opportunity, full participation, and economic self-sufficiency. SSDI, regardless of its good intentions, is public policy that pushes "disabled" people in precisely the opposite direction.
Listen, & listen well: We'll get a job & pay taxes when you pry your feeding hand out of our cold, dead mouth!



ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

That's right, them people could be out in the fields picking tomatoes or something!

Substance McGravitas said...

Did the American workplace once accommodate mentally ill people more readily than it does today? It's not hard to believe.

It sort of is, because the social safety net was a little better until everyone started swigging Reagan semen.

WV: pasive

M. Bouffant said...

Ill Editor (Huddled in a corner flapping his lips w/ his finger, if you must know!) Advises:

Machines are easy. It was constant contact w/ the public that enmaddened us.