Monday, June 21, 2010

Two Words: Sarah Palin

From TPM, quoting J. D. Hayworth from his career as a socialist re-distributor:
And by the way, it's not something where it's the government's money -- it's really your money. You surrendered it in the form of taxation. Now's the time to take advantage of a situation where the government can invest in you. And in turn, you'll have a chance to build a business, or make a better life for yourself -- and in so doing, you'll help improve the country."
You'd think a statement like that would have the Tea Party Patriots calling him a liberal fascist, & screaming for his blood, wouldn't you? Unless they're all hypocrites. Or too stupid to realize what he's saying. (Tough call either way.)

But the real hilarity comes from the John Sidney McCain III campaign:
When asked for comment, McCain campaign spokesman Brian Rogers responded strongly. "We actually donated the money to charity as soon as we found out about it," said Rogers. "Let's be clear: J.D. Hayworth lent his name and his credibility as a former Member of the U.S. Congress to help an obvious rip-off scam. Sen. McCain never did. There's no comparison to be made here."
Right you are, spokesmodel Brian Rogers. When McCain lent his name & credibility to help an obvious rip-off scam glom on to some $12 million, he was still a Member of the U.S. Senate. Completely & entirely different.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Two words for Sister Sarah

M. Bouffant said...

Word-Play Editor:

Two Meese for Sistah Sarin.

Substance McGravitas said...

It's a ramming-it-down-their-throatathon in Arizona.