Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hobo Up-Date

One of Andrew Sullivan's whiny (&, let's face it, alleged) readers chimes in, as if there being six applicants for each available job isn't his fault.
Today I receive my last unemployment check. I've used up all available extensions. My position was eliminated on Feb. 1, 2009. Since then I've diligently searched for work. I have a MA and 23 years experience. I've had three interviews and no offers. My savings, including retirement, is gone. I had to sell my house. I've moved from Michigan to Massachusetts into the home of my parents, who at 81 and 71 live on their investments (which have been dwindling in this economy.) At a time when I should be getting ready for my retirement and taking care of my parents, I'm back at square one.
Ha ha. Moved the goalposts on you, did they? When they own them, they can put them wherever they want, including directly up your arse. Grab your ankles like the rest of us, sucker.

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