Thursday, June 17, 2010

Last Gasp For Rush?
(The Recording Group, Not The Human Radio Toad)

Sounds as if Rush is/are attempting to put their final stamp on their hoped-for legend, as reported by me in a discussion of the slippery when wet Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Something will be worked out with each star and their agents, and the celebs have up to five years to schedule their ceremony. Every so often, they don't. Stan Lee was voted a star in 2008 and I guess he's been too busy...or something. It hasn't happened yet.

The next ceremony is on June 25 at 11:30 AM. It's for the recording group Rush and like most recipients, they've timed the unveiling to coincide with some project they wish to promote. In this case, they have a new CD, a new tour and a new documentary all happening.
Or they're having trouble w/ their mortgages, college for the spawn & other stupid middle-class concerns. We can assume the Rand Paul mess was a mere precursor to the media blitz. Take cover!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I just wanted to get on deck before the inevitable zombie hordes show up.

M. Bouffant said...

It's A Triple Fest Of Suck Editor Types:

You're just the first zombie to show.