Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Schlussel-Slam 2010

Note how this ignoramus has completely absorbed the reactionary redefinition of "racism." That is, it's racist to call someone saying or doing racist things a racist, because, uh, well because it's nice to be able to use one of the most accurate & powerful descriptors of just how awful you are against your opponents, the left-wing fascists, that's why!!
All of this race-baiting against "anti-semites" caused me to take an objective look at Israel. I no longer support Israel. Now, I don't support the Muslim world either. But they are both seeking global domination. The Talmud calls for beheading Christians just as the Koran does. Is Schussel therefore "anti-Christian" and "anti-Christ"??
Any Talmudic scholars have the low-down on this off w/ the Xians' heads deal? What would Pam "It Sez In The Koran!" Geller have to say about it?

Surrounded by rag-heads & Christ-killers. What a world "laura" must have to live in, huh?


Snarla said...

I get confused easily, so I may be wrong here, but...wasn't the Talmud written long before any Christians existed?

M. Bouffant said...

Rootless Cosmopolitan Editor Has Faith That:

The Talmud is the collected blather of rabbis (Research proves us right again!) as opposed to the Tanakh, more or less the Old Testament.

Interesting that the Jesus people were getting rolling just as there was upheaval & whatnot w/in Judaism.