Monday, February 1, 2010

Annals Of Photo Interpretation

Something or another from The Times of New York, in which five people are asked: "Is this a typical third-party movement? Are mainstream parties ever able to co-opt third-party messages and members?"

We needn't even read the responses. we need only examine the photograph from The Times.
Let's see: People under 30? Yes, two of them (lower left) under duress. Possibly one or two others in the crowd.

Non-Anglo participants? Hard to be sure, could be some Hispanic or Asian people in the crowd. Certainly isn't anyone of a more recent African heritage visible to these tired old eyes.

This is not the movement of the future, although it is quite a movement.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Coulda swored I posted somethin' somewhere.

Must be getting senile. At least, soon I won't remember how crappy things are.

M. Bouffant said...

Traffic Editor Believes:

Three items up. It's getting hard to keep track, between the volume of poop we're currently extruding & the fact that everyone's wandering the web pretty much on auto (Or senile, if you prefer.) & what, really, is the difference between the "publish your comment" box & the "X in the little red box" that will make the larger, irritating box go away?


Nor will you remember or care how crappy your pants are. (We sure don't.)