(Nota Bene: Your editor is occasionally known as "Chas." With a damn period. The way it's supposed to be spelled. We're a bit surprised that a shit-heel like this Freeman fuck doesn't spell it "Chaz" or some such bullshit.)
The Chinese Communists are not the only authoritarians for whom Freeman seems to have a soft spot. From 1989 to 1992, he served as ambassador to Saudi Arabia, where he developed an affinity for the monarchs who run the kingdom as their own personal fiefdom. “I believe King Abdullah is very rapidly becoming Abdullah the Great,” he said last October.Kirchick is probably more het up that Freeman is not 300% on the side of Israel than he is that Freeman likes them Ay-rabs & Chi-nee, but he probably has a point. And we'll just betcha that Kirchick isn't nearly as quick to condemn Israel's actions as authoritarian. A complete read reveals that he doesn't have that much of a point, & wants to whine about the left in general.
Today, liberals don’t even bother with the lip service of human rights. So consumed by their hatred for the previous occupant of the White House, the left, over the past eight years, defined itself not by what it believed in but by what it opposed.And why would one oppose something, unless it was, why was that now, oh, yes, antithetical to what one believed? To hell w/ you Kirchick. Letting women drive doesn't make the Saudis significantly different than your precious Israelis (And hey, if you love Israel so much, why don't you just fuck off & move there?) or even the typical American. You're all fascists.
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