Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Understand The Threat!!

'Twas ever thus:
Whatcha gonna do 
Whatcha gonna do 
When the Commies & the homos 
Come lookin' for you?Shorter well-known loon: The commies, the Ay-rabs, the homos & their "Financiers" (((The Joos!))) are coming for
your Xian American Patriot ass!
The destruction of America’s founding principles, traditional culture, and system of government is not merely a “falling away” of where we once were, it is the intentional outcome of the 100+ year communist Movement and 60+ year Islamic Movement operating seamlessly at the ground level across the United States.

This article comes from a lengthy report prepared by Understanding the Threat (UTT) which will be publicly available on our website UnderstandingtheThreat.com on April 26, 2023.

Understanding the Threat’s assessment of current events is this: The communist and Islamic Movements inside the United States are preparing for significant violence in the immediate future.  The groups and leaders involved are making preparations and calling for targeted violence against Christian Patriots while government officials give the green light for violent action.

Like the violence in Minnesota following the death of George Floyd in the spring of 2020, which was predicted and briefed, violence will again be launched in the immediate future by the primary enemies of liberty in the United States – the communist Movement, the Islamic Movement, their collaborators, and their Financiers.

The lead elements will likely be activated under the auspices of the transgender agenda, but will have the full force of the entire communist-jihadi cabal behind it.

This violence may begin as early as the Memorial Day weekend timeframe.

During the last wave of significant violence across the United States (spring 2020), the enemies’ ground soldiers focused on destroying property in numerous communities.  When that violence kicked off, pallets of water, milk, and bricks were prepositioned in nearly 2 dozen cities within approximatley 72 hours.

UTT assesses that during this next wave of violence, the enemies’ focus will be on targeted assassinations and larger scale killings. Our adversaries may also move to bring the entire Republic down if it feels it can achieve that goal and the right moment of opportunity presents itself.

Previously, they targeted property. Now they are targeting people.

Targets will likely include Christian Patriots, especially leaders of Patriot causes in communities.

Now let's see how many stand-your-ground driveway shootings there are "as early as the Memorial Day weekend timeframe." (Paid by the word, J.G.?)

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