Friday, May 20, 2022

More Mule "Misstatements"

Already-convicted campaign finance criminal Dinesh D'Souza is literally beyond belief. What lie will he tell today or tomorrow?
Conservative activist and filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza told a conservative podcast that “2000 Mules,” his film making flawed and faulty claims about election fraud in 2020, directly led the Yuma County Sheriff’s Office to open up an investigation — but the sheriff says that’s simply not true.

“The Yuma County Sheriff’s Office has been working jointly with the Yuma County Recorder’s Office and the Arizona Attorney General’s Office extensively regarding allegations of voter misconduct for over a year,” Yuma County Sheriff Leon Wilmot said in an emailed statement to the Arizona Mirror.

“These ongoing investigations are not related to or inspired by any movie or celebrity figure, but rather facts and evidence regarding violation of Arizona statute,” Wilmot added. “I am not familiar with, nor have I ever communicated with, any individuals who may now be claiming I am investigating on their behalf or because of any supposed inspiration from a documentary film.”

A previous lie.

1 comment:

bjkeefe said...

Good on you for being a voice against Dinesh D'Souza. I always try to make that effort, too.