Monday, May 30, 2022

Local Election Action

Some guy who has an acc't. on some social media.
L.A.: On the subject of mayors, you came out in opposition to Americana developer Rick Caruso’s mayoral campaign the day he formally announced he was running. When did you decide you needed to comment?

A.B.M.: I feel for like a year or two he’d been talking about it, and it was on my radar that he might run, as he had threatened to in the past. I’d been kind of stressed about it because I don’t want people to think I support him or that I’ve been platforming him because I created this account about his mall. So when he announced, I was like, “OK, I have to say I don’t support him.” And I hope people knew that before, that just because he made a mall I like walking around does not mean I think he should be running the city of Los Angeles. I’ve been taking it day by day at the moment. It’s a very hard subject because I want to make fun of him, but I don’t want to be flippant about it either. It’s a serious thing, and he’s essentially trying to buy the election, which I feel powerless to even try to stop.

I find myself in a very weird position. When I created the account, I never thought I’d have to worry about the Los Angeles mayoral election. Now I feel a little responsibility to say something when he does stupid things. I’m still figuring it out.

Gwyneth Paltrow, when not hooring for an exploitative food delivery service on the telly, has endorsed Caruso on the telly. Need we say more? No, because KNOCK LA has a large amount of dirt, & the L.A.Times (via Spectrum) notes Rick's conflicts of interest.

But how about more on Mitch O'Farrell, whose landlord-owned ass figures in this mess.


As politicians look to build public support for homeless encampment sweeps, they’re using tactics popularized in LA—the site of one of the nation’s most intense battles over the unhoused.

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