A Dip Into The Culture War Loony Pool
From commercials, not "in", you putz. Text in red may be more reflective of the typist's prejudices than anything resembling actual fact.Jacob Fraden / American Thinker:
Why are Caucasians Vanishing in TV Commercials? — Commercials take up 27% of commercial television screen time and are the main source of income for TV and radio stations. In most cases, advertisements on all channels appear simultaneously, so don't try to change the channel, there will be commercials elsewhere, too.
"P.S., I am not a crank", he did not bother to add. And yes, he typed "albeit on a more vegetarian level". No idea.In the United States today, the White population (not including Hispanics) is 57.8%. In real life, Caucasians are still in the majority, but now on TV and the Internet, they are swept under the rug like trash. Blacks comprise 14% of the U.S. population but appear in 50% of commercials. White actors now appear to promote health insurance, gold, loans, and some medicines. Moreover, if a White person appears in a commercial, he/she is usually old, sick, a freak, or at the very least, an appendage to a Black partner. If there's a doctor on the screen, he's usually Black, while the patient is usually White. Caucasian young men appear in only 4% of the commercials! If some aliens began to study the population of Planet Earth through our TV commercials they would have a somewhat distorted picture of Americans, to put it mildly.So why do advertisers ignore the long-standing rules of marketing, and to the detriment of their own financial interests, fill the media space with content that displaces and degrades its biggest market segment? The answer is simple. At the heart of this nonsense is political correctness in a form even an Orwell could not have foreseen. Business executives go out of their way to publicly show their conformity with the universal “diversity” and "critical racial theory" (CRT), demanding that the White man be blamed for all the sins one can imagine. Replacing ancient, long-vanished oppression of Blacks with real oppression of Whites, overcompensating and planting racism-in-reverse.
Why does the White population, which is still in the majority in the U.S., accept the banishing and belittling obediently and silently? Why is there no public criticism, much less resistance to the idiocy? Why don’t people don’t tell political correctness to go to hell? After all, the U.S. is not Stalin's USSR, and anyone who disagrees with the party is not yet sent to a camp or shot. Why is there such stifling conformity among the American people, formerly known for their independence and freedom of speech? The answer is simple and sad: the reason is fear, albeit on a more vegetarian level than it was under Soviet rule.
Journal-isms then explains/debunks the claim. Demographics, for one thing.a white, 80-year-old Phoenix retiree, [who] thinks there are too many African Americans — women, in particular — on the television channel he watches. Not that he objects to having them on television, just not when he’s trying to enjoy “NCIS” and “Law and Order,” he told Journal-isms by telephone on Wednesday.
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