Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Do You Fucking Consuming Chumps Really Want Amazon To Know Who All Your Visitors Are?

Just asking.
 Todd Bishop / GeekWire: 
Amazon to acquire Ring video doorbell maker, cracking open the door in home security market
Three little words: Face identification technology. And if you don't think Amazon will sell/give the information to the gov't. in exchange for tax breaks, further loosening of labor laws, yada, you're even stupider than you appear.


JWL said...

That's the Way It Goes
George Harrison

There's a man talking on the radio
What he's saying I don't really know
Seems he's lost some stocks and shares
Stops and stares
He's afraid I know
That's the way it goes
There's a man talking of the promised land
He'll acquire it with some Krugerrand
Subdivide and deal it out
Feel his clout
He can stoop so low
And that's the way it goes
There's an actor who hopes to fit the bill
Sees a shining city on a hill
Step up close and see he's blind
Wined and dined
All he has is pose
And that's the way it goes
There's a fire that burns away the lies
Manifesting in the spiritual eye
Though you won't understand the way I feel
You conceal, all there is to know
That's the way it goes

Anonymous said...

Rule #1: Never ever use Amazon.
Rule #2:NEVER EVER use Amazon.

M. Bouffant said...

Anti-Corporate Editor:
Even if I could afford to consume I wouldn't use Amazon.