Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Culture War Continues To Bore

A counter-cultural proposal: pro-marriage music


February 7 starts National Marriage Week. I propose that, in conjunction with this annual event, we identify, and create, music that promotes marriage, including forgiveness and reconciliation within the context of marriage. I concur with the statement of Ellen Wilson Fielding who wrote on July 2, 2015, in the aftermath of the Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriage, “What we need is repeated contemplation of the wellsprings of true marriage and family — not just as encountered in theology but also artistically, in the novels, movies, and writing of the past.” I would like us to identify music “of the past,” including the recent past, and maintain it as a library (or a collection or database) on the Web and institute an annual prize, with a gala dinner, for new music.
"An annual prize, with a gala dinner". Everyone in tuxes & gowns, we're sure. It's always 195X in some minds. And the kids will love seeing pictures of the gala dinner in the newspaper.

Not to be cynical or anything, but does "including forgiveness and reconciliation within the context of marriage" suggest that not all is well w/in the context of the Thunder (If that is his real name.) household?


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