In the shit-to-despise, but mildly dep't., TimeWarnerCable now offers pay-even-fucking-more-for-it cable channel ePiX; it's available w/o charge for three mos. to suck customers in. I've now watched three flicks I'm sho' nuff glad I didn't pay U.S.$15.00 each to see while surrounded by apes & sheep in a cinema.
To wit: Thor
Marvel's The Avengers
World War Z Had I spent $15.00 on that I probably would've asked for a refund.
Did World War Z at least give you a good feel for my beloved Yonkers?
Neither saw the movie nor read the book.
I know the feeling.
Save Your Money Editor:
Alas, no "Battle of Yonkers" in the flick. No actual American locations, even, just pseudo-Philly.
Ya get what ya pay for.
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