Sunday, March 2, 2014

Enough OSCARS(™³²®©-A.M.P.A.S.) Already!

Déjà effin vu all over again: While we were typing the previous (not as lengthy) epic we heard a slow & loud aircraft, no rotor sound, & realized Goodyear was buzzing the bunker again.
This time we remembered the soul-stealer makes things move too.
Now going southeast, away from the OSCARS(™³²®©-A.M.P.A.S.), which are apparently dull enough to bore a blimp. Unless there is hockey or hoops at Staples & the blimp is needed for the all important shot of the fucking roof of Staples.
Bonus thing, w/ which we had nothing to do:
Photo: Oscar Statue With Heroin Needle In Arm
Appears In Hollywood
laist did the workassembly, now you click, it's artsy fun!!


Weird Dave said...


That everyone is a stone cold junkie?

That's no secret.

Weird Dave said...

Showbiz Kids