Monday, September 3, 2012

Watching Dinesh Squirm

Or so it is alleged. We'll look later. Hell, haven't even seen this more than once.Text pile-on as well, for the less visually & aurally sensitive.
With his vested interest in denying the persistence of racism in American life, D’Souza seems unwilling to address the ways that his own racial and national background have made him useful to the right. Would he have been hired as a Reagan White House aide at age 27, and gone on to a stellar and lavishly remunerated career with right-wing think tanks, publishing houses and academic institutions, if he had been a young conservative from Indiana rather than India?
Bill Maher raked D'Souza over the coals too, apparently; not embeddable.


zombie rotten mcdonald said...

well, he's a worm, so squirming comes naturally.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

zrm libels noble natural creatures!