Thursday, September 27, 2012


Do not install the piece of shit program "Battery Bar" on your devil-box, no matter how many morons recommend it, as it will make your taskbar useless; not a good thing when your desktop isn't cluttered w/ icons & you start most programs from the taskbar.

(The list of those who will be put against a wall & shot when the revolution comesany fucking day now increases by one. Do these people know w/ whom they have fucked?)


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I'm aginst putting new thangs on the devil box.

I just wish the fuckers would stop fucking with the old shite on the devil box that worked o.k.

Substance McGravitas said...

I found a bad program that helped me steal a good program. It's a win! Had to uninstall the bad program because it wouldn't let the machine go to sleep, probably while attempting to mail banking information to Russia.

M. Bouffant said...

Enraged Editor:
If we hadn't had CCleaner installed & on the desktop we couldn't have uninstalled Batt Barf, as even the fucking Windows key wouldn't open the start dealie. Received some sort of apology from the Ozzie, after a nasty e-mail to him, but he can still go fuck himself.