Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Six Fucking Wks.

Six wks. of interminable-seeming suffering until the election, seven wks. or so until the unreconstructed cretins, morons, idiots, & imbeciles that compose America hit Peak Wingnut & rise up in revolution against the usurper. That's a landslide we'll be happy to see: Crackers vs. the U.S. Army. (Minus the deserters, of course.) They'll be spread out in a fine pinkish slime all over those roads they didn't build.

Bring it, you fucking losers.

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

And 8 weeks until President Hope and Change cuts Social Security as a reward for all his voters.

You're way too cheerful, M.B.