Monday, April 2, 2012

Geography Lesson

Thomas L. ("Mustache of Understanding") Friedman, quoted in The Daily Caller:
“I think it’s two things,” Friedman said. “I think it is the fact that in my view the Republican Party is no longer a conservative party. It’s become a radical party on a lot of these key issues. That’s number one. And number two, I just came back from New Zealand, OK. You have people living in the outback of Australia who would look at Mitt Romney, say, ‘Haha. Not authentic.’ I mean, it is just so obvious. I mean, you know this is a guy who’s running against everything he’s believed his whole life. And it’s just so staggeringly [obvious].”
Not inclined to believe in miracles around here, but looking at this line-up it's miraculous there wasn't an implosion & sudden formation of a black hole when the dense centrist matter these Beltway hacks (Your host: Morning Joe "Brought to You by Starbucks" Scarborough, & TontaMika Brzezinski, Jon Meacham, Harold Ford, Jr., the aforementioned Mustache &, icing on the cake because we all need more empty calories, David Effing Brooks.) spew for a living collided over the Meet the Press roundtable.Any "organized left" in these United Snakes would have stormed the studio w/ suicide troops & blown it all to the center of the sun.


BadTux said...

So the World's Dumbest Pundit(tm), who has an entire *unit* of time named after him for his constant prognostications that Iraq was gonna turn the corner if we just gave it one FU (Friedman Unit) more time... says something. And people listen... why?

- Badtux the Baffled Penguin

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

And number two, I just came back from New Zealand, OK. You have people living in the outback of Australia

Fecker might as well have said, "I just got back from watching a commercial for Foster's."

M. Bouffant said...

Sabbath Gasbags Editor:
Have not/will not listen to/watch the entire or any of the 19.5 mins.; there may be a transition that realizes a difference between anti-podeans, but if a taxi driver didn't tell him ...