Saturday, April 14, 2012

Shut The Fuck Up Or
We'll Give You Something To Whine About

Yes, talking to you, old fool. Clam up until we're a bit closer to her bleeding majesty no longer being styled Defender of the Faith, & the churches being bulldozed & replaced by temples dedicated to Mammon.
Christians are being "persecuted" and "driven underground" while the courts fail to protect their religious values, a former archbishop of Canterbury has claimed.

Lord Carey said Christians were excluded from many sectors of employment because of their beliefs, "vilified by state bodies" and left in fear of arrest for expressing their views.
Stupid enough, but what does this mean?
He added: "It is now Christians who are persecuted; often sought out and framed by homosexual activists.
A guess would be something to do w/ Britain's hate-speech laws. Must take an awful lot of framing to get these pious Englishmen to say something hateful. Another guess would be that the "framing" involves encounters in public loos, or via certain sites on the Internet.

1 comment:

Hamish Mack said...

"Driven underground" er, there are still Ferries across the channel. maybe he feels uncomfortable riding onna ferry.