Sunday, April 15, 2012

B-52 B-Day

Also on this date, 60 yrs. ago: The YB-52, the second XB-52 modified with more operational equipment, first flew on 15 April 1952 with "Tex" Johnston as pilot.

Even more impressive than its longevity: A Boeing B-52H Stratofortress (61-023) flying with its vertical stablizer sheared off, 10 January 1964. The aircraft was being used as a testbed to identify structural weaknesses in the airframe when the event occurred. The crew, with the assistance of Boeing engineers on the ground, was able to land the aircraft safely.
Try that w/ a fucking Airbus.


Pupienus Maximus said...

I am intrigued by the idea of a fucking Airbus. What or who would it be fucking, one wonders.

Smut Clyde said...

Ask Substance nicely.

Major Kong said...

A DHL Airbus 300 landed with all hydraulic systems shot out - after getting hit by a missile while taking off out of Baghdad.

They're actually quite sturdy, especially the landing gear.

M. Bouffant said...

Aviation Editor:
The Fucking Airbus offers discount admission to the Mile-High Club. Up in the air, fuck, land.

"Airbus" was just All-American furriner mocking. Shoulda picked a Russki plane.

Hamish Mack said...

The aircraft was being used as a testbed to identify structural weaknesses in the airframe
One has to admire their dedication. An Airbus would grow a new tail in 20 seconds or so.