Sunday, April 1, 2012


We've been droning on about this for yrs. Random, meaningless universe; do not delude yourself.
Perhaps most remarkable of all, not only is it now plausible, in a scientific sense, that our universe came from nothing, if we ask what properties a universe created from nothing would have, it appears that these properties resemble precisely the universe we live in.
And laff material from the Times:
The study by the California Assn. of Scholars repeats objections conservatives have had for decades over what they see as an overwhelmingly liberal academia that stifles dissent. Especially in UC humanities departments, study of classics and rigorous analysis have been replaced by advocacy of a leftist agenda and teaching about the grievances of various minorities, the report says.

"It has reached an extreme where one couldn't not comment," John Ellis, a UC Santa Cruz professor emeritus in German literature and president of the association, said in explaining why his group is releasing the document now.


Robert Anderson, a UC Berkeley economics and math professor who is chairman of the systemwide faculty Senate, said the report "is short on facts, but long on innuendo and anecdotes. The University of California offers tens of thousands of courses each year, the vast majority of which are excellent. A few dozen anecdotes about courses that allegedly have significant flaws does not diminish that fact, much less support the report's sweeping claims."
We'd make a funny about how it read in the original German, but it's probably true. See also: God and Man At Yale, published in 1951 f'r Chrissake & just as irrelevant today as then. Where's the socialist paradise we were promised? Even w/ that boyman in the White House we're no closer to (arguably farther from) utopia than we were 60+ yrs. ago. So why not shut the fuck up, scholars? ("Scholars." How medieval.)


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

I've never understood the anxiety people feel at the prospect of coming from randomness, chaotic nothingness. That sort of thing makes me marvel and feel small in a good way. I don't need a sky fairy to see magic and feel humility.

M. Bouffant said...

Not That Humble or Magic Editor:

Someone was listening!! Now we can quit.