Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Open Warning

If our Social Security is cut off by a Republican shutdown of the government & we find ourselves on the street again (believe you us, by that point we'll have nothing to lose) we will bloody damn well (literally) cut off the nuts off one of these nine shitheads. (As Scott Brown is a liar, we may settle for cutting off his tongue & feeding it to him.)

It being entirely possible that drooling assholes from Orange County would vote to defund us, we may not have to go to as far as Illinois or Texas to find targets for the administration of justice.

Federal authoritiesFucking pigs attempting to protect these bastards are invited to come on over & talk about this.

Another potential target. The hell w/ potential, Rep. Huizenga needs some facts beaten into him.

File under: "Are we truly capable of murder? Try us & find out, bitchezzz!!"

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