Wednesday, February 23, 2011

IWW Round-Up

One of the Trike Force Of RedState, LaborUnionReport (Is that his real name?) is about to need a new pair of boxers, because people who work for a living (as opposed to people who order people around for a living, or people who live on the dividends of the value created by workers) are getting uppity.
Given the calls for a general strike in Wisconsin, the AFL-CIO (and American Left’s) role in the mid-east uprisings, the OFA’s hand in the Wisconsin protests and, now, this admission by the AFL-CIO boss, one cannot help but wonder if, in fact, the Obama administration is engaging in activities to help his union buddies bring about real “transformational” change to America. After all, it does seem that the workers of the world are uniting in a very coincidental way, doesn’t it?
Scares you, doesn't it? There are more workers than parasites, LaborUnionReport, & democracy will triumph.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Hanx for linking my pics at Balloon Juice, M.B.

M. Bouffant said...

Helpful Editor:

Hey, they asked what was going on in Ohio. Get any hits?

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Yes, indeed.

It's not like I make any money off it, it's more like crack cocaine for your time-wasting ego.

P.S. WV: crook

Purrfect, somewho.