Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Nation Of Sheep
Stupid Wage-Slaves
Your Bosses Will Work You
'Til You're In Your Graves

We love typing "We told you so!" as The New York Times asks the question:
How high can or should the retirement age go, and should it be tied to increases in life expectancy? What will changes in retirement patterns mean for the United States, compared with Western Europe?
And while we're in visionary mode: Indentured servitude for gov't. workers.
... government officials are looking for ways to reduce the costs of ballooning public sector pensions and are pressuring unions to agree to later retirement dates.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Hey, Pete Peterson and company need more billions.

It's only fair that the rest of the populace be enslaved to accommodate this modest request.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

plus, the habit of laying off employees and hiring them back as 'contractors' goes a long way to ensure they will be working until they're dead.

Retirement is for rich folks, yanno.

wv is gracia. either misspelled gracias or misspelled garcia, but in either case, the INS is keeping an eye on you, amigo.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Blood from a turnip, boyos!

I've been working some long-ass hours lately, but I have to confess it's been pretty fun.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

if it's fun it's not work, yeh Bastard.

Give the money back.

Substance McGravitas said...

This is why you get into programming.

You build things only you can fix and then you GOUGE THE FUCKERS when they want you back.

M. Bouffant said...

And For The Stupid People Editor Offers:

This is why you get into lawyering too.