Friday, June 4, 2010

John Wooden Dies At 99

Oh garg, now we in So Cal, especially (Although most of the rest of you will experience some suffering. If symptoms persist, have another drink, or try aspirin.) will be subject to this old bastard's platitudes, homilies & unadulterated corn at least through next wknd.

It is fun when someone's condition is given as "grave." Ha ha. (Not as much fun as "extremely grave," but you can't get everything.)

Proved (@ 2022): Vin Scully has already started.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Call me naive, but I just donated to Beth Krom and Marcy Winograd.

Couple people trying to kick out evil congresscritters in your state, M.B.

M. Bouffant said...

Apathetic, Selfish & Cheap Ed. Remembers:

Harman was once the better choice than whoever ran against her. (Entropy?)

Still, you're encouraging them.

A high school classmate was named Krom. Huh.