What subject has the interminable D.C. religious/party-scribe latched on to this week?
Why, the Gore’s divorce.
Why, the Gore’s divorce.
Honest to fucking gawd, how many times did this ++hypocritical whore-on-wheels have to walk into her concrete meditation labyrinth to figure that bullshit out? She probably thinks gawd will give her a pass because it's wife coveting, rather than the coveting of husbands, that's forbidden in those ten commandments.The Gores have handled their decision to separate with dignity and grace. In doing so, they have given us all a great gift — an opportunity for a deeply important and mature conversation about the changing nature of marriage…
This is all Bill Clinton's fault.
Mendacious D is a BLASPHEMER!
This is all Jimmy Carter's fault.
You know, I felt kinda bad reading that Vanity Fair thing. Seemed like something Sally Quinn would enjoy if the target wasn't Sally Quinn. Can't we just drag her into a jar of piss or something?
Please regume your usual activities.
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Haven't (probably won't) read the Quinn piece, but yeah ...
Dunk her!
It was the Nix's fault: Watergate.
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