Wednesday, January 13, 2010

We're Not Saying Hitler's Right, But We're Not Saying He's Wrong, If You Know What We Mean

No, we are in agreement w/ 'Dolf. Why doesn't Leno just fuck off? If not enough glazed eyeballs were watching The Chin's stale schtick at 2200, why does anyone think he'll be able to come back & beat that other goofball at 2335?

Let Jay go & do his high-$ corporate gigs & Vegas appearances. Maybe he can do a wkly. show. They should be able to distill five hrs./night of not-funny into an hr. a wk. of closer-to-funny.

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

They should be able to distill five hrs./night of not-funny into an hr. a wk. of closer-to-funny.

I'm skeptical.