Thursday, January 28, 2010

Another Breitbart Employee Implicated In Douchery

Anti-Obama Hackers Attack House Web Sites

In the hours following Obama's State of the Union address last night, a team of hackers calling themselves the "Red Eye Crew" attacked the Web sites of as many as 20 members of the House. The National Journal broke the story shortly after 3:30 a.m. on Thursday, and by later in the morning, more sites had reportedly been affected. Several of the sites had their usual homepages replaced with this line of text: "FUCK OBAMA!! Red Eye CREW !!!!! O RESTO E HACKER !!! by HADES; m4V3RiCk; T4ph0d4 -- FROM BRASIL." Others went down entirely. Despite their anti-Obama rhetoric, the Red Eye Crew doesn't seem to operate on partisan lines: At least 12 Democrats and seven Republicans were attacked, as was the homepage for the Republicans on the House oversight committee. Speaker Nancy Pelosi is likely to order a review to look into the matter, Politico says.

Read original story in Politico | Thursday, Jan. 28, 2010

Mr. Greg Gutfeld, another person who writes for Mr. Andrew Breitbart, might just be implcated in this mess, as he is the host of FOX News' "Red Eye" program. It's very popular. Check it out at 0200 ET wkdys. on FOX News.

2 comments: said...

It amazes me just how dirty politics can be most of the time.

M. Bouffant said...

Eat Me Editor Responds:

Douchebaggery is not confined to politics, as the above asshole (Whose web log has already been reported to Bugger™ as a spam log.) proved.