Sunday, November 16, 2008

Who's Sorry Now?

Norah Vincent, formerly down w/ the Foundation for The Defense of Democracies (so named, you know that "democracy" is the very last thing being defended; don't even mention expanding it) typed a weepy item a wk. after the election, in which she began to regret her non-vote. (Recall that few would admit to having voted for Bush/Cheney after 2004. Few in the immediate future will be admitting they voted McCain/Palin "Country First.")
Not that we care, having just wasted half an hour of a rapidly shortening life cranking out that paragraph. We're really interested in shooting Sarah Palin from an aircraft, to thin the herd. And who better to pull the trigger than Ms. Vincent?
Though I am by no means as doctrinaire as I once was about political and social matters, I'm still a libertarian fiscal conservative.
How nice for you. Do get on w/ it though, won't you?
The second reason I didn't vote for McCain is -- big surprise here -- Sarah Palin. Christopher Hitchens was right on the money when he called her a "proud, boastful ignoramus," though I would go further. She is a belligerent ignoramus. The resounding theme of her candidacy was a shamefully rabble-rousing, nauseatingly populist denunciation of knowledge, intellectual expression and reasoned debate, all apparently the vicious province of the media elite and not the hard and hardy backbone of the "real" America. Watching her made me sick, and the thought of her ascending to the highest office in the land on the possible demise of her less-than-robust 72-year-old boss was not something I could live with. A vote for him was, in all likelihood, a vote for her, and I just couldn't do it.
Then it's on to to maybe Pres.-elect Obama isn't The Omen, Part IV, & he not only has a brain he uses it, blah blah. As if it's an amazing miracle in Presidential politics (It, of course, is.) to have a President who thinks first. 
But we thank Ms. Vincent for the "belligerent ignoramus" tag. And how committed she is to defending democracy: "shamefully rabble-rousing, nauseatingly populist." 
"My Lady, the people are revolting!!" 
"Yes, they certainly are."

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