Friday, November 28, 2008

Less Than Four Yrs. Until The 2012 Election!

Look at that paw go!
While doing a bit of self-research , we came across something that should serve as a warning for 2012: The Assemblies of God are a Pentecostal church. That means that this stuff, & the preacher-who-drives-out-witches, & a certain Sarah Palin all believe these fairy tales, or profess to believe them, in which case they're hypocrites. Not that we want to start the 2012 campaign now. We do want to get these Palin-related images off the hard drive. And we dug this up: as well as this:& this sums up the entire cluster-fuck.Be w/ us next wk., when we'll be discussing who's in & who's out in 2016.

1 comment:

Curt Spang said...

Off of your hard drive and on to mine. I love to hate me some sarah palin.
Thanks for the blog.