Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pardon Us

We mentioned earlier the pardons Bush has made so far in his last gasps in office. The WSJ did some research & found other commonalities. 
But a closer look at some of the newly pardoned shows many of them are church-going, blue-collar workers from rural areas (and ardent Bush supporters) who had little trouble finding jobs after their convictions. There is another common thread: the important role firearms once played in their lives.
[...] Robert Mohon Jr. of Grant, Ala., who pleaded guilty to conspiracy to distribute marijuana and served a year in prison in the late 1980s, wrote in his petition that he was concerned about his heritage. He wanted to pass down his father's hunting rifles to his grandchildren and teach them "the enjoyment of the outdoors." His felony record was standing in the way. "That's what's wrong with the world today -- nobody knows how to handle guns," says the 61-year-old retiree.

Yeah, that's the only problem in the world, people don't know how to handle guns. This guy is loose among us now?

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