Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hell On Earth

Sure, it's other people, but surveyors have finally discovered exactly who & where those other people are:
The context here is that Arkansas is not just a state with a dwindling number of Democrats, it's also one of the most religious states in the country, and of a particular kind. According to Gallup, Arkansas is tied for the fourth-most-religious state, measured by the proportion of people who say they are "very religious" (only Mississippi, Utah, and Alabama rank higher). And perhaps more importantly, according to the Pew Research Center, Arkansas is tied with Oklahoma for the largest percentage of evangelical Christians of any state, at 53 percent of the population. Arkansas ranks eighth in the frequency of attendance at religious service, seventh in the frequency of prayer, third in the percentage who say religion is very important in their lives, and fifth in the certainty with which people believe in God, with 84 percent saying they believe with "absolute certainty."
"Saved the Union" my ass. Letting those hate- & hick-filled states return to the Union before they caught up to the 19th century was a big mistake, period, & w/ that realization, there's no reason at all to say anything nice about Lincoln or any other Republican ever again.

The G.O.P.: Incapable of governance since their first crack at it 152 yrs. ago. (Except maybe Teddy Roosevelt.)


BadTux said...

General Phil Sheridan disagreed with your assessment of Arkansas. He claimed Hell on Earth was Texas. Which is filled with Texans. Which says it all, right?

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

M. Bouffant said...

50% Texan Editor:
Haven't been in TX since 1971, but I hear it's filled w/ Yankees who wanna be crackers now. Nothing worse than a convert.