Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Smarty 'Phones Are For Baby-Killers

If you have one, you're complicit. Note also how fucking stupid military procurement is.

And note where your tax money goes. Stop paying taxes, now!! And start taxing the shit out of these corporate welfare cheats.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Not paying taxes (because not earning income).

Don't have/never had a sell phone.

Houses of the Holy

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

It seems that the problem the Army has with standard smartphones is that they are cheap and easy to use.

Once they have been "enhanced" so each one costs the United Snakes 4000 bucks each and have some butch name like ESG-1700, they will be all over it.

Substance McGravitas said...

Look for a lotta combat deaths because soldiers are fucking around with Facebook.

M. Bouffant said...

New Media Editor:

Facebook being the new version of an AOL-style walled garden, they'll deserve whatever they get.

ESG-1700? Not manly enough. Maybe the THUNDER-TALKER 32RC?

We're worried about 32RCs mobile purity. No wonder Thunder can't find work; potential employers can tell he's too freedom-y. Also, unemployment is taxable. Keep some socked away.