Friday, September 9, 2011

"One-Take" Herman Cain Is Going To Hell

Why we hate:
"On September 11, 2001, we saw the worst of our enemies, but we saw the best of us," Cain said in a statement. "As long as we are prosperous and as long as we are free, America will remain the envy of the world. That's why, ten years later, we must answer the high moral call for defending this great nation for Her preservation for generations to come."

A campaign spokeswoman said Cain recorded the song in one take.
Note the quote he'll make two days from now. We do like the plane going into the bldg., but the rest is simply vulgar. Get back in the kitchen, cardboard-pizza man.

Spin from the Cain campaign (2120PDT 9 September 2011): From TPM's "tumblr," because Anonymous effed their site up good w/ a DDOS attack. Ha ha.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

You know what's pissing me off?

Just yesterday (actually early a.m. when I was finishing the Thers post), GoogleFascist starting questioning my youtube account.

Seems I can't be logged in under my blooger email and do anything with my youtube account, which is owned by 'thenthelightningwill'.

So now I have to sign out of one and into the other to do anything.

Fucking assholes.

M. Bouffant said...

Chrome Advocatin' Editor Suggests:

Run two (different) browsers. We have two Hotmail & two Yahoo acc'ts.; if we ever need to use more than one of them at the same time (which we seldom do) they're on the home pages of Firefox &/or IE, which we then open. Problem solved.

Except for your cross-platform brand identity problem, of course.

On the other hand, besides the hideous warts, we haven't been able to sign on to TypePad for a couple of days because Booger™ responds w/ an error message. Tried to sign in directly through TypePad, but we'd forgotten our password. When we asked it to reset the password it told us to fuck off because the Gmail address we gave is supposed to work w/ the Bugger™ acc't. You think you're angry?

Glennis said...

i can't listen, I turned it off after the first stanza.

Jeebus. How....exploitative. How pompous. How co-optive. How - you're right. Vulgar.

(Also, I hate that fucking song. Why couldn't they have adopted "America the Beautiful" for the goddamn seventh inning stretch? The Seattle Mariners played Ray Charles' version of "America the Beautiful" during the first home game after 9/11 - it was so moving. I'm sorry, but "GBA" sucks as a song.)

M. Bouffant said...

Anthem Editor:

Completely w/ you on ATB vs. GBA. Not to mention the war/fireworks song.

All Cain sings is the first stanza, I think, twice. Hard to pay attention over the screeching going on.

And when we call something vulgar, you can bet it is vulgar!

Substance McGravitas said...

Presidential campaign over, we hope.

M. Bouffant said...

Horse's Ass Race Editor Informs:

It's down to Mittens & Perry, the most "telegenic"/"presidential" & male weasels, barring unexpected events/revelations/gaffes. ('Though what else Perry could do or say that would eliminate him is frightening to contemplate.)

We are completely fucked in every orifice. Be ready to sponsor would-be immigrants!