Sunday, June 6, 2010

No Sex, Please: We're Disgusted By The Whole Thing

We're the first to admit we haven't the intestinal fortitude (or a strong enough gag reflex) to go gently or apprehensively into the dark night of the soul that is NRO. But we've haven't seen any mention of this by more intrepid sorts. No, we had to wait for the old, legacy, state-run mainstream/lamestream media (where the "20 Hottest Conservaskanks" competition was under discussion) to find this:
But K-Lo has also blasted pornography for "quietly tearing at the time, efficiency, and souls of young men, families, and workplaces today" (porn being a contentious issue throughout feminism) and has complained about the salacious content of—well, of NEWSWEEK's site, actually.

So, let's see what Lopez has to say to Goldberg:
Snark and Boobs? The things you learn ... I suspect you didn't enlist an AEI intern for this assignment, but covered it yourself.


Glennis said...

The timing is perfect for Sarah Palin's new book implants!

Glennis said...

Oops. I meant boob.

M. Bouffant said...

Either/Or Editor Thinks:

Works for us either way.

The Freudian Dep't. is just above, however.

Another Kiwi said...

Well it's probably the only way The Mosskateer will get any book time.