Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jellystone Park™ Quake Update: A Matter Of Time

Is the big one about to blow?

The end for Boo-Boo's Bungalow?

If it does all go, one of these may survive the ensuing cataclysm.
Ha ha, we mock you, vulgar & tasteless heartland family-values types!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Who can blame nature, really?

Substance McGravitas said...

If Yogi was smarter than the average bear that ranger woulda been bear poop long since.

M. Bouffant said...

Style Section Editor Believes:

The hat, collar & tie have had a civilizing effect on ol' [strike]Ed Norton[/strike]Yogi. And he was smart enough to get into franchising.

Nihilistic Apocalypse Editor Points The Finger:

We blame nature for taking so damn long. We're not getting any younger.