Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Robots Are A Serious Business

Go ahead, laugh. We hear you. All of you. ("Har har. Stupid paranoid. Robots taking over! Nagunna happen.") Well, just you keep laughing, while you look at this. Not so funny anymore, is it?Our actual fear is not these robo-tools somehow growing brains which will tell them to murder & enslave us, it's the humanoids among us who'll be able to run the world remotely, reducing the rest of us to virtual pixels in their real-world videogames. These three photos show a "cybernetic human" HRP-4C, which is designed to look like an average Japanese woman, that can express emotions such as anger (left) and surprise (right). (Koji Sasahara/AP)Not yet perfected, however. To us, the face on the left is more sultry come-hither than angry. Just as well we'll be dead by the time these abominations & their masters are fooling the masses. Here, HRP-4C is about to allow herself to be crucified. The robots will need martyrs like humans have, won't they?

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