Saturday, November 29, 2008


Why we hate soldiers, sailors, airpeople & Marines, & don't support the troops.
1. They aren't "patriots," they're just "real" Americans: too stupid or poorly educated to get real jobs. Economy down, recruiting up.
The economic downturn and rising unemployment rate are making the military a more attractive option, Pentagon officials say. In some cases, the peace of mind that comes with good benefits and a regular paycheck is overcoming concerns about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which any new enlistee is likely to join. [...] Good news for the Army has coincided with terrible news elsewhere. The unemployment rate has jumped from 4.8 to 6.5 percent in the past 12 months, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. During that time, the ranks of the unemployed grew by 2.8 million, to 10.1 million.
2. If these no-future saps stopped enlisting, U. S. leaders would have to stop bullying the world. Or they'd have to re-institute the draft to continue the bullying, which might awaken the moral fiber of people w/ futures who might then stand up & resist. That mistake has already been made, & is one of the (few) gov't. mistakes they won't make twice.
(There's nothing in the WaPo bit that covers this ground. We can't imagine why.)
3. Patriotism, nationalism & that sort of vulgarity. Last refuge of scoundrels, pindicks, failed high school jocks & the "still trying to show mother something" demographic. There may be an evolutionary imperative making them join up to kill each other, saving society the trouble of incarcerating them & leaving the world to decent, rational people. (Cowards, as we're known.)

But no matter what sorts of benefits recruiters offer, or how slick the ad campaign, one of the main draws continues to be service to country, said Sgt. 1st Class Thad Copeland, an Army recruiter based in Alexandria. Even if someone is joining because he can't find a job elsewhere, he needs to know that decision could mean a trip to the front lines.

"I know what your first question is, and the answer is yes," Copeland tells his prospects. "You are getting deployed."

4. Bonus Glibertarian argument: What's the return in signing up to "defend" (i. e., you'll be totally mis-used, at the potential cost of your life, or an extremity, eye, limb or large hunk of brain, by the kind of megalomaniacal idiot who runs for & gets hold of the presidency, but is still afraid of "looking weak") a nation that will neither educate you nor offer you an honest chance at a decent job. A nation whose leaders say "We can't make the veterans benefits too good, or people will leave the service." We don't care if national defense is the only legitimate function of national gov't., they owe you a living wage until you die, one way or the other, if you sign up for that crap.

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