Friday, December 8, 2023

Friday Freak Out!

Original title"Help, I'm A Rock (Suite In Three Movements)", the movements being: "Okay To Tap Dance""In Memoriam Edgar Varese", and "It Can't Happen Here".

"'Help, I'm A Rock' is dedicated to Elvis Presley. Note the interesting formal structure and the stunning four-part barber shop harmony toward the end. Note the obvious lack of commercial potential. Ho hum." FZ liner notes on "Freak Out!" (1966)

"The heaviest stuff on there is 'It Can't Happen Here' and 'Who Are The Brain Police?' Nobody's penetrated 'Brain Police' - yet." - FK: "Who are the Brain Police?" - FZ: "I can't tell you that - it's a religious song. But the ones who say they like 'Brain Police' like it because it's got some screaming and they love it. The ones that like 'Help, I'm A Rock', you know that mumbling part at the end, haven't come to realize what the musical structure of that is. They'll perceive it because it's got some gag lines in it." - Frank Kofsky interviews FZ, 1967

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