Friday, April 22, 2022

Sg't. Marjorie Taylor Schultz

No surprise she identifies w/ a Nazi; after all (((The Jooos))) are out to get her.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Legal Challenge to Take Her Off the Ballot Is a ‘Globalist’ Ploy for a ‘One World Government’

And who does Greene believe is behind it? Greene claimed that the attorney group lodging the challenge “is totally funded by George Soros dark-money groups.”
Lock her up now, & throw away the key.


Grung_e_Gene said...

Major Traitor Greene n'est pas?


If you or I or, any John Q. Public would advocate violence esp. towards a member of Congress, WE would be in jail right NOW ! Period !!!

M. Bouffant said...

Attention-Seeking Editor:
Geeze, I dunno, I come pretty close, but in today's stupid world it may not count if it's just typed. Have to say it out loud on InstaScam or a podcast.