Thursday, February 7, 2019

Hot Steaming Cup O' Nothing W/ Buzzwords On Top

Howard Schultz says we can balance the budget if we only believe hard enough in the leadership fairy

Schultz pledges to fix all of America's problems with vague platitudes about 'leadership'

Corporate non-speak from a mindless but exceptionally fortunate “person of means” whose luck is going to run out soon; if he stays in the middle of the road there he is going to be skwushed like an armadillo.
Think Progress rrrrips him a new one.
Tens of people watched a “major policy address” by billionaire oligarch Howard Schultz on Thursday, in which the coffee mogul claimed he could fix the country with platitudes, vague ideas, and impressive-sounding adjectives.

Yet, while Schultz’s speech was heavy on words like “leadership,” “opportunity,” and attacks on the “far left” and the “far right,” the major policy address contained virtually no policy ideas whatsoever.
Not B.C.'s Subhumans, but whatcha gonna do?

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