Sunday, June 2, 2013

Scandal Sheet

Dunno which pathetic allegations Mme. Noonan refers to,

Why This Scandal Is Different

but whichever it is we can assure her it's "different" because it isn't a scandal. (Unless it's the scandal of Republican buffoonery in Congress & state legislatures, but she's incapable of recognizing that. Or Iran-Contra. Now that was a scandal.)


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

"IRS does it's jerb."

Such a nontroversy.

Weird Dave said...

If the IRS was doing their job at least a few of these front groups wouldn't have gotten tax-exempt status.

M. Bouffant said...

Tax Free Editor:
Sheet, if this were the Prez's conspiracy it wouldn't have been limited to someplace as out of the way as Columbus, OH.