Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pat Robertson's Demon-Haunted World

Internet reactionaries love the words "intimidation" & "bullying," but don't have much grip on their meanings, if you follow our drift.

We'd be surprised they bandy the two words about as often as they do w/o understanding them if we didn't that know most of them fall somewhere between cretin & moron on the ninny scale, but that's no excuse. We still get ticked when one of these perpetually whiny victim wanna-bes goes on about the bullying of someone disagreeing w/ him & pointing out he is a fact-challenged idiot; we always want to resort to the eternal parental classic of "Shut the hell up or I'll give you something to cry about."

Here, an example that we desperately hope will help them to better understanding of those two loaded words, examples being the best way to teach fools & suckers.Really more an attempt at bullying & intimidation (A "full-scale exposé."); what will this pathetic old grifter do, conjure another of the demons he uses to frighten his audience of slack-jawed booger-eaters, & command the demon to go after the Jews &/or George Soros at whichever organization he's trying to scare? Organizations which, it is worth noting,  present his words exactly as they spew from his gums & lips.

Not that anyone, this publication mostly included, gives a rat's ass about such ephemeral ideas as truth or accuracy any longer.


Substance McGravitas said...

Pat Robertson saw that organization giving blowjobs at that sex club he wasn't in.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Stop cheating some hungry worms and die already, Pat.

Glennis said...
