Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Conservative Compensation Report

Would all you nancy-boys & sissies stop obsessing about your "masculinity," new definitions thereof & yada? Fuck.

++especially when we read such an opening line:
David Brooksassertion today that “Obama has displayed a kind of ESPN masculinity” has raised some eyebrows. For example, the DC Examiner’s Byron York, in response, tweeted: “I’m so confused.”

The confusion, I think, is partly because Brooks didn’t really explain his concept* — at least, he didn’t explain what ESPN has to do with Obama’s masculinity or ability to connect. I will attempt to do so (with the caveat that I can’t know exactly what Brooks meant).

Think of the symbolic activities that have defined men in the past. A manly man (where I’m from, at least) might hunt, fish, drink, drive fast cars (sometimes while drinking), play contact sports, etc.
Really, "Matt Lewis & The News," when you're worrying about the definition of masculinity offered by wispy-voiced, chinless pushover Brooks (Not to ignore Byron York's Tweet!) we're already enjoying ourself at your expense; don't aggravate the amusement by using "manly man" in a not-obviously ironic manner.
*No shit?


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

You could include this shit, from Washington Post "liberal" Dana Milbank, as well.

Substance McGravitas said...

I'd look out, man. The last person who made fun of Bruiser Brooks saw the nailed end of a 2x4.

M. Bouffant said...

Fat but MEAN Editor:
Milbank should fucking talk. Dana's a girl's name where we come from.

Yrs. of being bullied in prep school have made us tougher than Brooksie, even if he goes McArdle one better & has nails in his 2x4s.