Saturday, May 19, 2012

Beyond Desperate

NRO jumped on the Elizabeth Warren is a plagiarist bandwagon (two items down) while we were out (directly below) but they fell right the fuck off.
UPDATE: Damn, that didn’t take long. Rich Lowry has acknowledged the mistake and says the post will be updated. It was so fun, while it lasted, this fake story.

UPDATE 2: And here’s the correction. They say they took down the initial story.
And it was an entirely different accusation than the recipe-stealing that Breitbart wet its pants over.

Is there nothing about Warren's economic policies, consumer financial advocacy & whatever the hell her other positions may be that her opponents are comfortable addressing? Nothing?

1 comment:

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Is there nothing about Warren's economic policies, consumer financial advocacy & whatever the hell her other positions may be that her opponents are comfortable addressing? Nothing?

Let's ask Obama and Geithner...