Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Thong Rind Andy, Over & Out

Alex Pareene sums up Andrew Breitbart:
The most modern thing about Breitbart was that he was so ridiculous, and so extreme, and yet taken more or less completely seriously by the mainstream press he claimed to despise. (This is in part because he was fun at parties.) Screaming — literally, screaming — vulgar, stream-of-consciousness insults on national television used to be your ticket out of respectability with the news crowd, but now it is basically indulged.
Honestly, if he helped make false civility less of a requirement for being “taken seriously” in the media world, that is almost certainly a good thing. The rest of his influence is too tied up in the influence of the Internet itself on the world of information for him to be directly blamed, but he was the raging, filter-less, irresponsible, vitriol-spewing, tireless avatar of the new way of doing things.
If we're sure that The Weasel of West L.A. is dead, let's play this one last time (Barring yet another schmuck named Andy making an idiot of himself, of course.)[Ha ha. Cuts off just as it starts to wail. — Ed.] 'cause we like the tasty licks & silly lyrics (Don't like this as well as the studio version, but variety is something.) & be done w/ all mention of how BB brought down the "institutional left" & finally began the "vetting" of the Kenyan Muslim occupying the White House. Heh in-fucking-deed.

Hey, there's no fucking doubt that the editorial staff here is a loser, but we don't pretend otherwise about ourself. And we certainly don't draw attention to what will inevitably be failures.


Anonymous said...

Stop hack the program!!!

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

First they came for Mack the Knife and I said nothing, because, well you know. KNIFE!

Then they came for Hack the Program, and nobody cared about Sadly, No!