Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Actual Seasonal Reason

By the time this is read, it will be winter in the northern, or "civilized," hemisphere. Brrr.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I'm back in Columbus, and I got cat and bunny orbs tonight. Plus West Va. deer orbs from last night.


Weird Dave said...

Happy New Year!!!

Well, it's my New Year, anyway.

Unknown said...

It's been friggin winter in my neck o the woods for weeks now. Don't tell me it's winter..I want spring now! My kittehs are freezing outside fer chrissakes.

Fixer said...

"Brrr"? You're in LA ...

M. Bouffant said...

Wussy Editor:

It's been very cold for us wimps here. In the 40s some nights, as Dusty indicates.


Unknown said...

Well Mr. B it's been in the 20's here at night for almost a week now and in the mid-30's for a month.

I know I am just over the Mountain from you, but seriously, the difference in night temps is HUGE for Redneckistan vs Hell-A. ;-)

M. Bouffant said...

Sweeping Change Editor:

Not sure if this is our New Yr. or if it's the vernal equinox. Either way, out w/ the old!

M. Bouffant said...

Weasel Editor:

Any complaining/bragging about local weather is meant in a spirit* of sympathy w/ those braving colder climes, as well as a half-assed excuse for remaining in this insufferable & damned hellhole.

And we're hep you desert rats are always hotter or colder than we ocean-huggers.

*"Meant in a spirit." That's some weaseling.

Unknown said...

It's always fun to drag the outside kitteh's in during a hard freeze, as we have had for a week now, and then keep them from slicing and dicing the normal indoor kittehs..ah, the life of a cat rescue operator!

I have been here ten years and this is the longest we have gone with it so friggin cold at night. This is Cali fer chrissakes!

M. Bouffant said...

Extreme Environmental Editor:

Get used to it. Change is coming.