Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Gamma Ray Terror Alert

Have you ever wondered what would happen if a nuclear bomb goes off in your city? With Google's Maps framework and a bit of Javascript, you can see the outcome. And it doesn't look good.
And kiss your ass goodbye.
Courtesy of Morbo: Plug in your location & see if you'll survive. We're good up to a Fat Man of 21 kilotons dropped on or set off precisely on City Hall as far as heat & pressure go, but we are somewhat disturbed that the fallout always blows west from downtown.

Would have survived a Fat Man on the Hollywood sign when we were working at Sunset & Vine, too. Even the fallout, but we've no confidence that the winds are always going to be blowing to the west, & we'd guess that six blocks from the assumed demarcation of the pressure zone might not make that much difference.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Would have survived a Fat Man on the Hollywood sign when we were working at Sunset & Vine, too.

Post-Godfather Marlon Brando?

Substance McGravitas said...

I get killed instantly. Kind of a fantasy of mine, except that, you know, I own the nuclear bomb.

M. Bouffant said...

Space-Age Atomic Editor Advises:

Timing. Or a timer. And store dangerous items in the desert.

The sign isn't that solid. Had you put that other fat M.B. on it, it probably would've collapsed.