Tuesday, November 30, 2010

More Projection

Islamists Know a Western Civilization Secret: ‘Progress’ Makes Religion Decline
The motive to reform Islam from within is weaker than the motive of those like Martin Luther, as Islamists can point to the decline of Christian belief and assume the same would happen to Islam.
Doesn't take much intellectual curiosity to figure where this is going to be projected.
Conversely, to dig in, kill the critics, raise the walls higher, try to shut out (or severely constrain) modernity, and demagogically stoke the fires of jihad really is a logical response for those who want to preserve their religion and society as it has existed for centuries.
Remind us of which medieval ninnies this buffoon is talking about again.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Yeah, this guy is probably one of those "Teach the Controversy" yay-hooze.

Hamish Mack said...

I'm not sure these guys go too much on that Learning stuff of any kind.